Our Spaces

Creating a unique habitat for our tamariki to thrive.

There are three separate areas in Village Green to cater to all our different aged tamariki. Each space has been carefully thought out and designed to cater to the exact needs of the tamariki using it, to ensure they feel comfortable, safe and nurtured during their time with us.

Flax Nest


Within the Flax Nest our dedicated educators provide a nurturing and loving environment where our infants feel happy, safe & secure.

Through primary caregiving, our infants build a respectful, trusting and empowering relationship with their carer to enable them to be confident and competent learners and communicators.

Our physical space is calm but stimulating with a beautiful and natural outdoor area where our infants can interact and explore freely at their own pace.

Kōwhai Corner + Rātā Retreat

Toddler Rooms

Providing an environment that sparks curiosity, independence and social competence is crucial for the development of our toddlers.

In Kōwhai Corner + Rātā Retreat, our educators ensure that each child feels a sense of belonging and that their emotional well-being is nurtured. This supportive environment fosters the confidence needed for our children to learn social-emotional skills, develop their verbal communication and build relationships with one another. It’s essential to encourage our toddlers to develop a positive disposition to learning early on so we stay attuned with the individual interests each child develops.

Our educators facilitate rich learning experiences based on these ideas, capturing our toddler’s curiosity, creativity and imagination.

Kauri Canopy


Within the Kauri Canopy rooms at Village Green, our educators provide quality early learning experiences to empower our preschool children as they realise their potential and build a strong foundation for later learning.

Through a broad range of individual and group experiences and a play-based curriculum, our Kauri Canopy tamariki develop learning dispositions such as curiosity, wonder and perseverance.

Social competence is a key focus. Promoting independence and self-help skills forms the foundation for preparing children to become life-long learners. Children are supported to take responsibility for their own learning, and are encouraged to share it with those around them.